Monday, January 20, 2014

A word from TGO.

"How do you do that? How do you kill those poor innocent animals? That is so mean!" 
These are all questions or statements I have been faced with by onlookers, ever since I became a hunter. My reply is always the same. "How do you not?" Animals were put here on earth by The Lord to nourish our bodies, and to feed our young. Let me be clear I respect all Gods creatures for the magnificent beings that they are! No one but a great creator could have designed such beautiful animals, and I am not promoting killing animals for no reason, or in excess! I believe in obeying the laws set fourth by fish and game, and I never take something I won't eat, or what someone else wont eat! I hope and pray that the same wild game I have had the honor to hunt, will be around for my children to do the same, but I also know that if it wasn't for hunting seasons animals would eventually overrun us! The folks that do kill animals for no good reason and out of season should face justice for their actions. However, let us not forget hunting goes back thousands of years, and all of our ancestors at one point or another were hunters! That was a means of survival, and if it wasn't for those ancestors, life today would cease to exist. I respect that fact that there are a lot of people who do not want to be the hunter, but still enjoy the meats! I also respect that there are others who just choose not to eat meat all together. Both of these are personal choices, and not for anyone else to judge. I have also made a personal choice, and that is to hunt and to live off the land to provide for myself and my family. If you enjoy going to your local grocery store and buying meat there, more than likely the meat you purchase is from an animal that was penned up for their entire lives, never allowed to roam free and be wild animals like God intended. So I pose this question to you, which is worse? Allowing an animal to inhabit their natural habitat and reproduce, and sacrafice a few, or raise animals in cages and kill them all? Which would you rather eat and serve to your family? So next time you are with a hunter and you feel the urge to ask those types of questions, or make those types of comments, please just remember hunting is more than a hobby for a lot of people, it's a way to stay connected to their roots, and where they came from, a way to connect with their creator, a means of sustaining life since the beginning of time, and most importantly a way to provide for their family. 
God Bless from The Girl Outdoors. 

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