Monday, June 16, 2014

One pursuit of a hunting companion!

The time has come for this TGO to add another member to the family, and to the hunting brigade. A hunting dog to be exact, and what an exciting adventure so far. Over the past few months TGO has been researching the many different types of breeds and what they are purposed for. I have learned so much and am excited to share it all with you.

First, you will want to consider all the top breeds that are used for hunting, and what kind of hunting you will be doing will also have an effect on the type of dog you end up buying. The different categories are as follows, retrievers, pointers, flushers and hounds.
Retrievers are used for bringing back any game that has gone down in the water or on land.
Pointers are used to track and mark game that is on the ground.
Flushers are used to kick up any game that is hiding in the brush.
Hounds are used for their ability to sent tack wild game. Some pictures of each are featured below, please note there are many different kinds of pointers, retrievers, flushers and hounds. They are all simply just categories and each individual breed should be considered separately.



Secondly, when picking out a hunting dog, it is best to go through a reputable breeder. The way to determine if you have found a reputable breeder is as follows..
1. Make sure they have been inspected and passed by the American Kennel Club, and that they have the appropriate paper work to prove it.
2. Take a visit to the breeders facility, make sure it is clean and well maintained, and that the puppies are well socialized and clean, and not malnourished or sickly looking.
3. Ask to see the parents of the puppies and pay close attention to their temperament and size, this will most likely be a reflection of your new puppies future.
4. The breeder should be willing and able to answer all of your questions about the breed, and be knowledgeable and honest about the good and the bad points of that particular breed.
Well after much consideration by TGO and her associate, it was decided that a Labrador retriever was what suited us best. There is still much debate on the color that will be chosen, but we are leaning towards yellow because they have the least amount of skin problems! Luckily we have a few months before we will be officially ready to pick out, purchase and bring home our new bundle of joy. In the meantime we are in search of a good breeder and are having fun picking out names. Here are a few we are considering...
1. Ghost
2. Lefty
3. Tobias
4. Penny
Which is your favorite?
I hope this post helps any of you who are considering getting a hunting dog, get started in the right direction. There is so much information out there, just make sure you do your research and bring home a happy healthy pup!
Stay tuned in the next few weeks for cute puppy pictures, and TGO's first attempt and puppy training, that will defiantly be an adventure for real.

"As a deer longs for flowing streams so my sole longs for you, oh God." Pslam 42:1